Jorge Lukowski, NEORIS Global Director of Marketing and Communication, Receives Calvez Award for Citizen Responsibility - Asset Display Page

Asset Publisher


October 30, 2023

Madrid, October 20, 2023. Jorge Lukowski, NEORIS Global Director of Marketing and Communication, received the Calvez Award for Citizen Social Responsibility in the Young Leader category. The award, granted by the Ecumenical and Social Forum, honors individuals demonstrating exceptional commitment to the ethical and responsible dissemination of knowledge in key areas. For Lukowski, the award related to Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation.

The NEORIS executive received the award during a ceremony at Comillas Pontifical University of Madrid. Event participants included Stefano Zamagni, President of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, Vatican City; José Luis Fernández Fernández, Director of the Chair in Economic and Business Ethics at Comillas Pontifical University and Fernando Flores Maio, director of the Ecumenical Social Forum. The award highlights the significant and beneficial impact of Lukowski's work on society and his dedication to the promotion and education of technological issues.

A special feature of the awards ceremony was the seminar “Innovation and Talent Development for Artificial Intelligence," organized through the Iberdrola Chair of Economic and Business Ethics in collaboration with the Ecumenical Social Forum of Buenos Aires, the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, the Pontifical University of Salamanca and Comillas Pontifical University. The meeting brought together experts and leaders in business and academia, who were able to hear Lukowski share important insights about the impact of AI on business efficiency and talent acquisition.

Lukowski’s speech highlighted the impact AI is having in the employment arena and stressed the importance of training to address inherent challenges. “AI will force organizations to redefine job roles and prepare their teams to face obstacles, and there is only one way to do this: training. Problems when searching for talent slow down the development of business growth and employment. In the coming years, the market will require talents with very specific knowledge and technical skills and it is essential that organizations, and specifically human resources areas, address this issue as soon as possible to be able to determine which positions are going to change and in what way, redefining the professional careers of these employees through training,” said the Director.

Zamagni also addressed the growing influence of AI in society and how to maximize its potential in ethical and responsible ways. “Artificial intelligence, in its current and intended form, has no consciousness or emotions, while manipulating humanoids to have forms of consciousness raises significant ethical dilemmas. Overcoming one or the other is a complex issue and depends on how we define “overcoming” and how both technologies evolve in the future. For now, both fields have different potentials and are used for different purposes,” he explained.

Aware of this reality and in line with its commitment to promoting the training and development of technological talent, NEORIS created the program “Promoting Talent” with the objective of responding to the needs of the labor market. The program helps to mitigate the dearth of talent in the sector, training people in information technologies who find themselves in different professional situations, both young people without experience and experienced profiles seeking to re-enter the labor force. Since its launch in 2022, the program has trained more than 3,000 people in Latin America, North America and Europe in cutting-edge technologies, facilitating their incorporation into the labor market.

Seminar participants highlighted another topic linked to ethics in AI, data quality. “When the data used to train and feed these systems is biased, incomplete or inaccurate, there is a risk that AI will generate unfair or discriminatory results. Ensuring high-quality data is critical to building ethical AI systems that are unbiased and equitable. What’s more, data quality is essential for transparency and accountability in the development and deployment of artificial intelligence technologies, helping to build trust in their use,” Lukowski explained.

Both the award and participation in the seminar demonstrate how NEORIS continues to take steps forward in the global context, positioning itself as an Intelligent Accelerator through the convergence of AI and Human Power.

Representative of this important context, Lukowski emphasized, “AI acts as a ’co-pilot,’ a tool to amplify human capabilities, expand creativity, and automate tasks that require assistance, allowing professionals to drive higher-value strategies. The human being must always be in the center.”

“Rather than Artificial Intelligence, at NEORIS, we like to talk about how Augmented Intelligence, the combination of AI with creativity and human intelligence (AI x Human Power) powers the creation of Smart Interactions that generate innovative solutions and exceptional results, boosting efficiency, quality, innovation and productivity,” he said, closing his speech.

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