Neoris KDP

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Neoris KDP Introduction

Manage the knowledge and information of your organization

In a highly competitive enterprise context in which organizations search for solutions that allow them to be efficient and generate revenue using emerging technologies, NEORIS presents its KDP solutions, an augmented reality platform to help you achieve great benefits by automating the processing of non-structured information from different sources.

Between 50% and 90% of the data owned by organizations is not structured nor used efficiently

92% of companies suggest that data improves the decision making of their business objectives

This is why NEORIS has developed a solutions with which companies can improve their analysis, knowledge, communication and exploitation of information.

KDP helps you with intelligent data management to achieve:

Smart Document Processing

Automatize the interpretation of structured and non-structured documents, reducing the human-error risk and improving the processing speed and response times.

Enterprise Knowledge Graph

Allows your organization to have a complete and unified view of all the information. Takes advantage of the data-graph model to describe other concepts; individuals, companies or assets and how they are connected.

The NEORIS platform helps making an efficient management and integration of knowledge through the following technologies:

Machine Learning Document processing

Search and advance analytics technologies

Semantic knowledge context

To bring considerate benefits to your organization:

Improved competitivity because any type of document can be digitalized completely and precisely

Accelerates time to market processing complex files in minutes, even seconds

Generate more satisfaction for internal and external clients

Automatize processes and reduce medium execution times

Back office and research teams operative cost reduction

Allows focusing teams on value added activities

Reduces operational risk and standardizes processing criteria
