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Basic Data Protection Information

This Privacy Notice regulates the processing of personal data provided by users through the NEORIS web page.

Basic Data Protection Information

Federal Law of Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Controller NEORIS DE MÉXICO, S.A. DE C.V. (hereinafter, “NEORIS”)
Representative NEORIS ESPAÑA, S.L.
Purpose Attention to applications and communications with users.

Consent of the interested party.

Necessity to take steps prior to entering into a contract.

Communication In each case, NEORIS Business Group Companies.
Rights Right to access, amend and delete data, as well as other rights as will be explained later.

You, as the user, expressly declare to have read, understood and accepted the information regarding data protection provided by NEORIS and, by the same token, expressly consent to the processing of your data for the purposes described below.

Detailed Information Regarding Data Protection


Who is responsible for the processing of your data?

Identity: NEORIS DE MÉXICO, S.A. DE C.V. - RFC NME010301FL9 (hereinafter, NEORIS)

Postal address: Blvd. Díaz Ordaz No. 333, Colonia Unidad San Pedro, San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León, C.P. 66215.

E-mail: derechoarco@neoris.com

Data Protection Officer: dpo@neoris.com

NEORIS will designate a representative in the European Union who will be entrusted with addressing all inquiries, particularly from the monitoring authorities of the interested parties, with respect to the matters relative to the processing, in order to guarantee regulatory compliance.

Representative in the UE: NEORIS ESPAÑA, S.L. - NIF B60390192 – Postal address: María de Portugal 1-3-5; 28050 – Madrid

For what purpose is your personal data used?

NEORIS, by means of a contact form, collects and processes the information provided by you as the user (Name, Email Address, Country, Subject, Message and technical information about your navigation; hereinafter ‘Your data’), in order to attend to the requests for diverse types of information carried out by them.

Your data may also have been collected and processed during an exchange of e-mails. The personal data with which you have provided us will only be handled in order to maintain communications with you and to address your requests.

Overall, your data are obtained from the interested party, but in some cases, we can obtain your data through a legitimate assignment from another company. In such a case, you will be informed regarding their origin.

Should you register on the web page through a social login, NEORIS will only access personal data of those who have given their consent during configuration of the access to the social network in question. Any information provided in connection with such applications, can be accessed by members of the corresponding social network, and such interactions will be governed by the privacy policies of the entities providing the services. NEORIS has no control over, or responsibility with regard to such entities or the use they make of the user’s data.

If NEORIS later intends to use your data for a different purpose, prior to such ulterior processing, it will provide you by e-mail with information regarding this other purpose and with any other pertinent additional information.

What processing will NEORIS give the data?

NEORIS guarantees professional secrecy and the maximum confidentiality of your data, by complying with all the obligations in this regard and adopting the safety measures imposed by current legislation for the protection of personal data.

How long is your data retained?

Generally speaking, personal data provided is kept for the time necessary to address the request for information, without such period exceeding one year.

What is the legitimation for the processing of your data?

The legal basis for the processing given your data of a personal nature is the express consent freely granted by you on this web page and those data processed to formalize a commercial relationship will be lawfulness due to the necessity to take steps prior to entering into a contract.

With whom will the data be shared?

Your data may be shared with other companies of NEORIS Business Group whose parent company is NEORIS in order to facilitate global communication and to attend your request. Your data will not be provided to any third company.

What are your rights when providing your data?

Right to request access to your personal data. First, you have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether NEORIS is or is not processing data concerning you, and if so, the right to access such personal data.

Right to amend, delete and forget. You also have the right to request the amendment of inexact data or, if pertinent, to request it be deleted when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected.

Right to limit processing. In certain circumstances, you may also ask NEORIS to limit the processing of your data, in which chase, it will only be retained for the filing or defense of claims. Right to portability of the data. You have the right to have NEORIS send your data to another company, provided you so request.

Right to oppose. In certain circumstances and for reasons related with your particular situation, you may oppose the processing of your data. NEORIS will stop processing your data, except for imperative legal reasons, or the filing or defense of possible claims.

Right to withdraw consent. Because the processing that NEORIS gives to certain data is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw it whenever you wish and end such processing.

In order to exercise any of these rights, all you have to do is email NEORIS at the following email address derechoarco@neoris.com or contact with our Data Protection Officer (dpo@neoris.com) and your request will be processed. If you feel we have not satisfied the exercise of your rights, you may file a claim with the competent Control Authority.

Do we collect cookies on the web page?

This web page collects cookies. A cookie is a small file that is downloaded into your computer when access specific web pages. Cookies allow a web page, among other things, to store and recover data regarding the navigation habits of a user or a user’s equipment, and, depending on the data it contains and the way in which the equipment is used, cookies can be used to recognize the user.

NEORIS uses cookies to analyze the browsing habits of the user and for analytical and web performance purposes by recording the IP address (access identification number to the Internet of the device, which allows devices, systems and servers to recognize and communicate among themselves). In addition, in order to offer information or services based on the user’s location, NEORIS can also access data relative to the geo graphic location of the user’s device, in those cases in which the user’s configuration in this regard so allows.

In this web page we use the following cookies:
