NEORIS Patient Track Introduction

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null NEORIS Patient Track Introduction

How to respond effectively
in the face of a pandemic?

Given the global health crisis COVID-19 and the problems that have generated in patient care and health, the experts of the NEORIS' Healthcare and Technology Industry developed the telemedicine solution, Patient Track, dedicated to providing rapid response during the COVID-19 pandemic by bringing clinical care to the patient and caregiver, with comprehensive care that involves:

Prevention and education

Mass education, advice and professional recommendations for patients and users

Patient's Valuation

Survey registration and identification of risk factors, with management of customized alerts for the health professionals.

Patient's Remote Management

Continuous assessment and monitoring of the patient according to symptoms with individualized alert management.

Medical teleconsultation

Remote medical care with possibility of referral of the patient.

Patient's Hospitalization

Care in destination medical center with MRE tracking of the provider.

Management of Indicators

Real-time support in decision making by the health team.

COVID-19 contingency

The WHO called on countries to “take urgent and aggressive action.”

“This is not just a public health crisis, it is a crisis that is going to touch all sectors, so everyone must prepare and be ready; detect, protect and treat; reduce transmission and innovate and learn. ”